除了陸上計劃外,Red Bull MOBILE現在還提供某些郵輪公司的數據計劃! 您無需依賴不穩定的WiFI連接或游輪上的中斷下載。 您將在公海巡航時保持聯繫,並即時分享您令人驚歎的巡航時刻。
Red Bull MOBILE是一個基於應用程式的旅行者數據計劃。 通過使用 eSIM,它可以讓您在全球任何地方衝浪。 無論您是觀光、跳傘、攀岩,還是巡航。
它與Red Bull MOBILE Data的eSIM一起使用。
您所要做的就是下載應用程式 – 註冊並購買 TELENOR MARITIME 套餐。

When should I buy the package?
You should install the eSIM and buy the package before you cruise. The package is valid for 30 days after activation – so some days upfront would be perfect. You can top up the packages every time. (For toping it up you need connectivity – so do it on land or as long as you have connectivity with use)
In the Red Bul MOBILE App you will see how much data you have already used.
How is the service delivered?
The Dream cruise ship has a connection to a satellite internet provider.
On your Dream cruise ship we have a 4G network which connects to your handset.
(Note: it is NOT a Wi-Fi service, but the connection comes via your eSIM from Red Bull MOBILE)
Why should I use Red Bull MOBILE on sea?
Red Bull MOBILE is simple and hasslefree roaming for affordable prices.
No bill shock, just prepaid.
What have I take into account on sea?
Please take into account that you have to switch off the data roaming from you primary SIM card.
In your settings you should activate the Red Bull MOBILE for mobile data.

為確保功能正常,您應該在登上游輪之前購買並安裝 eSIM。 您將需要互聯網連接來設置您的數據計劃,因此建議您將計劃設置在互聯網信號較強的地方。
套餐在啟動后 30 天內有效。 當您用完 80% 的數據時,我們會通知您,這樣您就不會在沒有任何數據的情況下陷入困境。 一旦您的數據最終用完,您將收到另一個通知。
在Red Bull MOBILE應用程式中,您還將看到您已經使用了多少數據。
這項服務是與我們的海事通信合作夥伴TELENOR MARTIME合作為您提供的