
eSIM tariff for data roaming in 立陶宛


The Red Bull MOBILE Data Roaming App developed for our athletes is now also available for you! Now you can stay connected while traveling through , or wherever you might travel.

立即下载,享受 100MB 免费数据!

Download the easy to install Red Bull MOBILE App and enjoy unlimited Mobile Internet in 希奥利艾 or all over 立陶宛 respectively.

  • We never charge a basic fee. Once you activate your eSIM card, you are ready to connect to the world without any basic or roaming fees.
  • You will be able to email, chat, set up video conferencing and use your social media accounts. Connecting with your family and friends around the globe is instantaneous.
  • Explore our low cost eSIM data plans for 立陶宛, with instant activation on eSIM-compatible devices. You get to decide which plan works best for your travel needs.
  • The first 100MB of data are for free.

Ideal for travel to 希奥利艾 or across 立陶宛.

Using a LTE/4G network while traveling through 立陶宛 you can now connect to the internet with your eSIM card and the Red Bull MOBILE Data app and avoid expensive roaming charges. That way you will stay in touch with your family and friends via your favorite apps like WhatsApp, TikTok, Facebook or Instagram. Don’t think about roaming and start saving on your trip.

Simply download the app, choose your data plan for your destination, and follow the instructions on how to activate the Red Bull MOBILE eSIM data plan. Once your account is activated you are ready to connect to the world.

With Red Bull MOBILE you will have a stable and fast internet connection throughout 立陶宛.

下载 Red Bull MOBILE Data 应用程序,查看您的设备是否兼容 eSim。

iOS 设备:进入设置> 移动数据或蜂窝数据,如果有添加移动计划或添加数据计划选项,说明你的 iPhone 支持 eSIM。

支持的设备包括 iPhone XS、XR 和更新机型。

安卓设备:转到设置> 连接> SIM 卡管理器。
如果您有 “添加移动计划 “选项,则您的智能手机支持 eSIM。

支持大多数较新的安卓智能手机,包括三星 Galaxy S20 或较新机型、谷歌 Pixel 3 或较新机型、华为 P40 等。



  • 首都:维尔纽斯维尔纽斯
  • 人口:280 万(预计 2021 年)
  • 国家代码+370
  • 货币:欧元欧元
  • 语言: 立陶宛语立陶宛语
  • 其他有趣的地方德鲁斯基宁凯、帕兰加、特拉凯
  • 立陶宛是波罗的海三国之一,位于波罗的海东岸。
  • 它北面与拉脱维亚接壤,东面和南面与白俄罗斯接壤,南面与波兰接壤,西南面与俄罗斯接壤。
  • 立陶宛 80% 以上的人口讲立陶宛语。如今只有 300 万人讲立陶宛语,使其成为欧洲使用最少的语言之一。
  • 立陶宛的国球是篮球,许多立陶宛球员都曾在 NBA 打球。


  • 立陶宛是地球上唯一拥有官方香味的国家。
  • 这款香水由野花、覆盆子、生姜、檀香和麝香香气组成。
获取应用程序并开始免费使用 100MB

如何获取立陶宛的免费 eSIM 卡


红牛移动数据适用于 100 多个国家/地区


立即获取红牛 手机 数据应用程序
